Factors Directory

Quantitative Trading Factors

Year-on-year growth rate of net cash flow from operating activities in a single quarter

Growth FactorsFundamental factors


Formula Explanation

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    This factor is a growth factor. It evaluates the growth rate of the company's cash flow acquisition ability from operating activities by calculating the year-on-year change rate of net cash flow from operating activities in a single quarter.

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    Compared with the month-on-month data, the year-on-year data can better eliminate the impact of seasonal factors and more accurately reflect the long-term growth trend of the company's business activities.

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    Using single-quarter data rather than TTM data can reflect the latest changes in a company's operating conditions more promptly and is more sensitive to market fluctuations.

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    This indicator is based on net cash flow from operating activities. Compared with accounting items such as profit, it is less susceptible to accounting policy adjustments and can more truly reflect the company's operating conditions and cash acquisition capabilities.


This factor calculates the difference between the net cash flow generated by the company's most recent quarterly operating activities and the net cash flow generated by the same quarter of the same period last year, divided by the absolute value of the net cash flow generated by the same quarter of the same period last year, to obtain the year-on-year growth rate. The larger the value, the greater the growth rate of the company's cash acquisition ability from operating activities in this period compared with the same period last year, reflecting the company's good operating growth. This indicator can assist in evaluating the company's profit quality, because continuously growing operating cash flow usually means a healthier profit model.

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