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Quantitative Trading Factors

Net assets per share

Fundamental factors


Net Asset Value Per Share (BVPS):

The calculation formula of net assets per share reflects the shareholders' equity share in the company's assets. The following is a detailed explanation of each parameter in the formula:

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    Refers to the total net assets attributable to the parent company's shareholders after the company's assets are deducted from its liabilities. This data comes from the company's balance sheet for the most recent reporting period. It is the basis for measuring the company's shareholder ownership and an important component of the company's intrinsic value, directly reflecting the shareholders' actual rights and interests in the company.

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    Refers to the total number of common shares issued by a company at the end of the most recent reporting period. Total share capital is an important indicator to measure the degree of dispersion of a company's ownership, and is also the basis for calculating indicators such as earnings per share and net assets per share. It should be noted that the total share capital at the end of the reporting period corresponding to the shareholders' equity data is used here to ensure the accuracy of the calculation.

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    Refers to the total net assets attributable to the parent company's shareholders after the company's assets are deducted from its liabilities. This data comes from the company's balance sheet for the most recent reporting period. It is the basis for measuring the company's shareholder ownership and an important component of the company's intrinsic value, directly reflecting the shareholders' actual rights and interests in the company.

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    Refers to the total number of common shares issued by a company at the end of the most recent reporting period. Total share capital is an important indicator to measure the degree of dispersion of a company's ownership, and is also the basis for calculating indicators such as earnings per share and net assets per share. It should be noted that the total share capital at the end of the reporting period corresponding to the shareholders' equity data is used here to ensure the accuracy of the calculation.


Net assets per share is a key financial indicator for measuring a company's value. It represents the net asset value corresponding to each share and can be regarded as the theoretical lower limit of the company's stock value. Investors can judge whether the value of the stock is overvalued or undervalued by comparing the company's stock price and net assets per share, and make investment decisions. This indicator is often used in conjunction with other financial indicators to more comprehensively assess the company's overall financial situation. For example, combined with the price-to-book ratio (P/B), the market's valuation level of the company's net assets can be assessed. Generally speaking, the lower the price-to-book ratio, the more likely it is that the stock is undervalued; conversely, it may mean that the stock is overvalued. In addition, the changing trend of net assets per share also reflects changes in the company's financial situation, which is worthy of investors' attention.

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