Factors Directory

Quantitative Trading Factors

News Driven Cumulative Earnings Momentum

Emotional FactorsMomentum Factor


News-Driven Cumulative Return Momentum Factor:


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    The stock return on the ith trading day when news related to a listed company is released in the past month. This return usually refers to the logarithmic return of the closing price of the day relative to the closing price of the previous day.

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    The total number of trading days with news releases for listed companies in the past month. If there is no news release in the month, the factor value cannot be calculated or is considered invalid.


This factor is based on the principles of limited rationality and information diffusion delay in behavioral finance. Due to cognitive biases and limitations in information processing speed, investors are often unable to fully digest all information at the first time of news release, resulting in a lag in stock price changes in response to news. In addition, it takes a certain amount of time for financial analysts to interpret news events and adjust earnings forecasts based on them. These factors together constitute the driving force of the news momentum effect. This factor attempts to capture this tradable opportunity generated by the market's lack of reaction by quantifying the cumulative effect of returns on news release days. In addition, this factor has a higher information content than the traditional price momentum factor because it focuses on news, an event-driven factor that may trigger changes in market sentiment.

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