Factors Directory

Quantitative Trading Factors

Corporate Governance

Quality FactorFundamental factors


Overall corporate governance score =


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    The weight of the largest shareholder's shareholding ratio reflects the control that the controlling shareholder has over the company.

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    The weights of the shareholding ratios of the second to tenth largest shareholders reflect the level of participation of major institutional investors.

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    The weight of the circulating stock ratio reflects the trading activity of the company's shares in the secondary market. A higher circulating stock ratio usually means stronger market liquidity.

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    The weight of the number of shareholders of a listed company. Too many shareholders may lead to dispersed equity and affect the efficiency of corporate governance; too few shareholders may lead to concentrated equity and there is a risk of major shareholders abusing their control.

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    The weight of the proportion of independent directors reflects the independence and professionalism of the board's decision-making. Independent directors play an important role in safeguarding the interests of small and medium shareholders.

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    The weight of the number of board members. A moderate board size helps improve decision-making efficiency and governance level, but an excessively large board size may lead to a decrease in decision-making efficiency.

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    The weight of management remuneration and the level of management remuneration should be linked to the company's performance. Reasonable remuneration incentives can stimulate the enthusiasm of management.

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    The weight of the number of management shares. Management shareholding helps to align the interests of management with those of shareholders and enhance the enthusiasm of management.

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    The weight of penalties imposed by the China Securities Regulatory Commission, exchanges, etc. reflects the compliance of the company's operations. The more penalties a company receives, the weaker its corporate governance is.

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    The weight of whether to implement equity incentives. Equity incentives help attract and retain talent and enhance the long-term value of the company.

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    The shareholding ratio of the largest shareholder, expressed as a percentage.

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    The sum of the shareholdings of the second to tenth largest shareholders, expressed as a percentage.

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    The proportion of outstanding shares, that is, the proportion of the number of outstanding shares to the total share capital, expressed as a percentage.

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    The number of shareholders of a listed company indicates the total number of shareholders of the company.

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    The proportion of independent directors to the total number of board members, expressed as a percentage.

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    The total number of board members.

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    Management compensation usually uses the logarithm of the annual total management compensation or the average compensation per person.

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    The number of company shares held by management can be expressed as the total shareholding ratio of management.

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    The number or severity of penalties imposed on a company by the regulatory authorities for violations can be expressed through a quantitative score. For example, the negative number of penalties in the past period of time or the logarithmic processing of the penalty amount can be used.

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    Whether equity incentives are implemented can be represented by a binary variable: 1 if implemented and 0 if not, or it can be quantified by considering the scale and coverage of the equity incentive plan.


Corporate governance is a key factor in the sustainable development and long-term value creation of enterprises. Good corporate governance can improve the company's financial stability, operational efficiency and profitability, effectively reduce potential risks, and thus enhance the company's competitiveness in the market. This factor aims to provide investors with a reference indicator for evaluating the long-term investment value of a company by quantifying multiple dimensions of corporate governance. A higher comprehensive corporate governance score usually means that the company has a more sound internal management mechanism and is more likely to achieve sustainable development.

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