Factors Directory

Quantitative Trading Factors

Operating Cash Flow Per Share (OCFPS)

Per share indicatorQuality FactorFundamental factors


Operating cash flow per share calculation formula:

Average total share capital calculation formula:


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    Trailing Twelve Months Operating Cash Flow. This indicator reflects the net cash inflow (or outflow) generated by the company's operating activities in the past 12 months. Using the rolling 12-month data can smooth seasonal fluctuations and more accurately reflect the company's cash flow status.

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    Average Outstanding Shares. It is the average number of common shares issued and outstanding during the reporting period. The average of the beginning and ending share capital is used to more accurately reflect the share capital level during the reporting period.

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    Outstanding Shares at the Beginning of the Period refers to the number of common shares outstanding at the beginning of the reporting period.

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    Outstanding Shares at the End of the Period refers to the number of common shares issued and outstanding by the company at the end of the reporting period.


Operating cash flow per share (OCFPS) is calculated by dividing the net cash flow from operating activities of a company by the average total equity in the last 12 months. This indicator measures the cash flow generated from operating activities per share and can more accurately reflect the quality of a company's earnings. Compared with earnings per share, OCFPS is more difficult to manipulate by accounting and is therefore more valued by investors. The higher the indicator, the stronger the cash flow generated by the company's operating activities, the better the financial health, and the more profitable it may be for investors to buy the stock. When making investment decisions, a comprehensive analysis should be conducted in combination with the company's industry, historical data and the average level of the same industry.

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