Factors Directory

Quantitative Trading Factors

Net profit margin (TTM)

ProfitabilityQuality FactorFundamental factors


Net profit attributable to shareholders of the parent company (TTM)

Total operating income (TTM)

Net profit margin (TTM)

Formula Description:

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    It refers to the total net profit attributable to the parent company's shareholders in the past 12 months. This data is usually disclosed in the company's financial report.

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    Refers to the company's total operating revenue in the past 12 months, which is usually disclosed in the company's financial report.

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The higher the value of the net profit margin (TTM), the higher the net profit per unit of operating income of the company, the stronger the profitability and the higher the operating efficiency. It should be noted that the net profit margin levels of different industries vary greatly, so when comparing the net profit margins of different companies, industry factors should be considered. In addition, this indicator is calculated based on the data of the past 12 months, so it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive analysis in combination with other financial indicators and future expectations.

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