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Quantitative Trading Factors

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Rolling Price to Book Return (TTM ROE):

Average Net Worth:


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    Refers to the total net profit attributable to the parent company's shareholders for the last 12 consecutive months, calculated using a rolling method to more promptly reflect the company's latest earnings. TTM (Trailing Twelve Months) emphasizes the dynamics and timeliness of this indicator, avoiding the lag problem that may exist when using annual data.

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    It refers to the average value of the total equity attributable to the parent company at the beginning and end of the reporting period. It is used to smooth the fluctuation of net assets and make it more representative of the average capital actually used by the company during the reporting period.

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    It refers to the total equity attributable to the parent company's shareholders at the beginning of the reporting period, reflecting the company's own capital scale at the beginning of the reporting period.

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    It refers to the total equity attributable to the parent company's shareholders at the end of the reporting period, reflecting the company's own capital scale at the end of the reporting period.


The rolling price-to-book return (TTM ROE) is an indicator that measures a company's ability to generate profits using shareholder equity. It represents the net profit generated by each unit of shareholder equity in the past 12 months. The higher the value of this indicator, the more efficient the company is in using its own capital and the greater the value it creates for shareholders. Compared with static ROE, the use of rolling 12-month data can better reflect the latest changes in the company's profitability. The use of average net assets is intended to smooth the fluctuations in net assets so that it can better reflect the capital scale of the company's actual operations during the reporting period. This indicator is an important indicator for measuring a company's profitability and shareholder returns, and is also often used to screen value stocks.

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