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Quantitative Trading Factors

Diluted non-GAAP return on equity (TTM)

ProfitabilityQuality FactorFundamental factors


Diluted non-GAAP return on equity (TTM):

In the formula, the numerator is the net profit attributable to the parent company in the last 12 months (TTM) after deducting non-recurring gains and losses, and the denominator is the total equity attributable to the parent company at the end of the period. The ratio calculated by this formula reflects the profit level of each unit of owner's equity after deducting non-recurring gains and losses.

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    Refers to the total net profit attributable to the parent company's shareholders in the past 12 consecutive months after deducting all non-recurring gains and losses. This data is usually derived from the company's financial statements and is calculated on a rolling basis. Excluding non-recurring gains and losses helps to more accurately assess the company's ongoing operating profitability.

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    Refers to the total amount of equity attributable to the parent company's shareholders at the end of the reporting period. This data represents the ownership of the company's net assets by the company's owners and is also an important indicator of the company's financial status.


Diluted ROE (TTM) more accurately reflects a company's sustainable profitability by using the net profit after deducting non-recurring gains and losses for the past 12 months. This indicator excludes the impact of non-recurring items on profitability, allowing investors to more clearly evaluate the company's core operating performance. At the same time, using ending shareholders' equity instead of average shareholders' equity better reflects the profitability of the company's current assets, especially when shareholders' equity changes significantly. The higher the indicator, it generally indicates that the company's operating efficiency is higher and the return on investment for shareholders is higher. Investors can compare this indicator with other companies in the same industry to evaluate the company's profitability and investment value.

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