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Quantitative Trading Factors

Net profit attributable to parent company accelerates growth momentum

improveGrowth FactorsFundamental factors


TTM quarter-on-quarter growth rate of net profit attributable to parent company:

Growth rate of net profit attributable to parent company:

Formula parameter explanation:

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    In the q quarter, the quarter-on-quarter growth rate of TTM net profit attributable to shareholders, where TTM refers to the rolling 12-month data.

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    The rolling 12-month net profit attributable to shareholders of the parent company for the Q quarter.

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    Rolling 12-month net profit attributable to parent company for the q-1 quarter.

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    Net profit attributable to parent company in quarter t

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    The proxy variable for the acceleration of performance growth is the quadratic term coefficient in the quadratic regression model. If the coefficient is greater than 0, it means that performance growth is accelerating, and if it is less than 0, it means that growth is decelerating.

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    The coefficient of the first-order term in the quadratic regression model represents the linear trend of performance growth.

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    The constant term in the quadratic regression model represents the performance level in the base period.

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    Quarter number, counting from the earliest quarter. For example, if four consecutive quarters are selected for regression, the values ​​of t are 1, 2, 3, and 4.


This factor first calculates the quarter-on-quarter growth rate of net profit attributable to the parent company TTM to reflect the growth of the company's latest performance. Subsequently, using the single-quarter net profit attributable to the parent company data for the past N quarters, the quadratic regression model is fitted to extract the quadratic term coefficient (\alpha) as a proxy variable for the acceleration of net profit attributable to the parent company's growth. This coefficient reflects the trend of performance growth. A positive value indicates accelerated growth, and a negative value indicates a slowdown in growth. In factor construction, all market stocks are first grouped according to the quarter-on-quarter growth rate of net profit attributable to the parent company TTM, usually divided into three groups, and then standardized scores are performed in each group based on the acceleration of net profit attributable to the parent company's growth (for example, Z-score standardization). Finally, the scores obtained in the two steps are added up to obtain a comprehensive score, which is the final momentum factor value for accelerated growth of net profit attributable to the parent company. This factor aims to capture companies with accelerated performance growth. Such companies often have greater investment potential and can bring higher excess returns.

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