Factors Directory

Quantitative Trading Factors

Historical news mentions

Emotional Factors



  • :

    The total number of news mentions of stock i at time t in the past d days.

  • :

    The number of news items that mentioned stock i at time k (on a specific day).

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    The size of the lookback time window, in days.

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    The current moment, usually the trading day.


The historical news mentions factor measures the number of times a specific stock has been mentioned in news reports over the past period of time (d days) to assess the stock's attention in public opinion and market sentiment. This factor is considered a negative factor because high news mentions may cause stocks to be overhyped or overvalued, which may predict poor future earnings performance. It should be noted that this factor simply measures news mentions and does not take into account the emotional tendency of the news (positive or negative), so it may need to be combined with other emotional factors for comprehensive analysis.

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