Factors Directory

Quantitative Trading Factors

Quarterly total assets growth rate

Growth FactorsFundamental factors


Quarterly total assets growth rate = (total assets of this quarter - total assets of the previous quarter) / total assets of the previous quarter

This formula calculates the growth rate of a company's total assets in the current quarter relative to the previous quarter.

  • :

    Represents the company's total assets during the current reporting period (quarter).

  • :

    Represents the company's total assets in the previous reporting period (quarter).


The quarterly growth rate of total assets is an important indicator to measure the change in the company's short-term asset size. This factor reflects the company's ability to expand or contract in a short period of time by calculating the relative change in total assets of this quarter and the previous quarter. Academic research has found that the relationship between asset growth and stock returns may be affected by the time span: high asset growth over a longer time span (such as 5 years) may lead to negative returns in the future, while a shorter time span (such as quarterly or annual) may have a positive correlation. This may be because long-term high growth may be accompanied by overinvestment or reduced efficiency, while short-term growth may reflect the company's aggressive expansion and the market's recognition of its prospects. Therefore, in quantitative strategies, the impact of this factor needs to be considered comprehensively based on the time span and other factors.

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