Factors Directory

Quantitative Trading Factors

Year-on-year change in return on total assets for a single quarter

Fundamental factors


Among them, ΔROA_{q,y} represents the year-on-year change in the return on total assets for a single quarter in the current reporting period; ROA_q represents the return on total assets for a single quarter in the current reporting period; and ROA_{q,y-1} represents the return on total assets for a single quarter in the same period last year.

This factor calculates the year-on-year change in return on total assets (ROA) for a single quarter, reflecting the quarterly year-on-year change in the profitability of the company's total assets.

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    The year-on-year change in return on total assets for a single quarter during the reporting period.

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    The return on total assets for a single quarter in this reporting period is usually calculated as: single quarter net profit / single quarter average total assets. This value represents the efficiency of the company in using its total assets to create profits in the current quarter.

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    Return on total assets for a single quarter in the same period of the previous year. The calculation formula is the same as ROA_q, but the data from the same period of the previous year is used. It is used to compare with the current period's ROA_q to analyze the year-on-year changes in profitability.


This factor belongs to the category of profitability and growth analysis. Specifically, the return on total assets (ROA) for a single quarter measures the efficiency of a company in generating profits using all its assets and is an important indicator for measuring profitability. Its year-on-year change (i.e., this factor) reflects the growth of the company's profitability at the quarterly level. A positive year-on-year change indicates that the company's total asset profitability has increased compared with the same period last year, while a negative year-on-year change indicates a decline in profitability. This factor helps identify companies with rapidly growing profitability or declining profitability. In quantitative investment, this indicator can be used to construct factors to help screen out companies with sustained growth in profitability. Compared with month-on-month changes, year-on-year changes can effectively eliminate seasonal effects, making the analysis of a company's profitability trend more accurate. At the same time, compared with growth rate indicators, incremental indicators are less affected by the base number and can better reflect the real changes in profitability.

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